Revelation Archive

Cracking the Book of Revelation

July 27, 2010

The Lamb is on the throne, the dragon is on its last legs, and gospel is piercing the nations' darkness.


The Doctrine of Scripture

March 15, 2010

A faculty panel explore the relationship between Westminster Seminary California and the doctrine of Scripture.


Genesis 2:18

October 21, 2008

In the conversation about God's Word, Satan enlarged the prohibition, reduced the penalty, and distorted the divine intention.


2008 New Student Orientation Devotion

September 3, 2008

The relationship of the Word of God and the way of the godly is explored.


Who Needs Systematic Theology?

May 1, 2008

A system without parts and parts without a system are equally useless for Christian preaching, faith, and practice.


Discipline in the Church: Revelation 2-3

March 1, 2008

In light of their OT prophetic background, the letters to the churches in Revelation are modeled as covenant lawsuits.


Isaiah 24; Revelation 18-19

September 27, 2006

Isaiah 24's vision of the end of the world is picked up and elaborated upon by the Apostle John in the Book of the Revelation.


A Day Belonging To Jesus

March 10, 1990

There is a day that belongs to Jesus in a special way. Revelation 1:10 is a key to knowing that Sunday is the Lord's Day.
