Cassady Gilmour

Class of 2022

MA in Biblical Studies

Class of 2022

What work or ministries have you been involved with since graduation?
Westminster Seminary California – Director of Admissions & Alumni Relations (June 2022–present)

How has your seminary education been valuable in your current vocation (or any vocation since graduation)? Has it been valuable in ways you weren’t expecting?
Though I didn’t go to seminary with the hope of becoming a director of admissions, I have been so encouraged by the Lord’s providence and am grateful for the opportunity to serve this institution that I love so dearly in an administrative capacity. My own experience as an alumna of WSC has certainly been invaluable; I don’t think that I could do this job without firsthand experience of the seminary’s mission, vision, and community. So that is certainly one surprising way in which my WSC education has been valuable to me vocationally.
Outside of my “day job”, my seminary education has been personally edifying in my walk with the Lord and has greatly enriched my engagement with the local church, small group Bible studies, and one-on-one conversations with friends–believers, doubters, and non-believers alike. I’m so grateful for my experience at WSC and the invaluable knowledge and skills that I gained.

What would you say to a woman who is currently considering seminary education at WSC?
If you have even the tiniest inkling of interest in pursuing a seminary education at WSC, do it. At the very least, come to campus, meet the professors, staff, and students, and seriously consider before the Lord if this might be a direction He is leading you. It is a gross understatement to say that the Church needs more theologically trained women. The reality is that the world needs more theologically trained women–our families and Bible study groups and women’s ministries and publishing houses all need more theologically trained women to encourage biblical literacy and serious theological thinking in our everyday lives, not just in the pew on Sundays.