Our Faculty

WSC faculty are pastor-scholars, committed to ministry in Reformed and Presbyterian denominations, with a zeal to actively engage the most critical areas of biblical scholarship. They are committed to the Bible as the inspired, infallible, and inerrant Word of God, and to the Reformed confessions and catechisms. Their teaching is an extension of this commitment, cultivating unity and vitality throughout the educational experience. Active research and writing, and participation in theological conferences, associations, and summits keep faculty close to the issues facing the church today.

Faculty Emeriti

S. M. Baugh

Professor Emeritus of New Testament

W. Robert Godfrey

President Emeritus, Professor Emeritus of Church History

Dennis E. Johnson

Professor Emeritus of Practical Theology

Hywel R. Jones

Professor Emeritus of Practical Theology

Robert B. Strimple

President Emeritus, Professor Emeritus of Systematic Theology

Visiting Professors, Adjunct Faculty, & Lecturers


Richard W. Bishop

Adjunct Professor of Church History
BA, Wheaton College; MAHT, Westminster Seminary California; PhD, University of Virginia

Carl Francis Ellis, Jr.

Adjunct Professor of Practical Theology
BA, Hampton University; MAR Westminster Theological Seminary; DPhil, Omega Graduate School

Ted Hamilton

Adjunct Professor of Practical Theology
AB, JD, Stanford University; MDiv Westminster Seminary California

Zach Keele

Lecturer in Practical Theology
BA, Geneva College; MDiv, Westminster Seminary California

James R. Lund

Adjunct Professor of Theological Bibliography
BA, Northwestern College; MA, Westminster Seminary California; MLIS, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Marcus J. McArthur

Lecturer in Graduate Theological Writing
BA, University of California, Los Angeles; MAHT, Westminster Seminary California; PhD, Saint Louis University

David Noe

Visiting Professor of Historical Theology
BA, Calvin College; PhD University of Iowa

David Stoddard

Adjunct Professor of Missions
BA, King University; MDiv, Westminster Seminary California; ThM Westminster Theological Seminary