Alumni Spotlight: Dr. Stephen Fix

Dr. Stephen Fix
MDIV, 2007

Throughout its history as a graduate-level Reformed theological institution, WSC has maintained high standards of academic rigor, confessional integrity, and ministerial excellence for its faculty and students.  These complementary distinctives continue to mark the lives and work of our remarkable alumni long after they cross the graduation stage, as evidenced by class of ‘07 graduate Dr. Stephen Fix.  Joining the ever-growing number of WSC alumni who go on to pursue doctoral degrees, he recently defended his PhD dissertation in the Department of Semitic and Egyptian Languages and Literatures at Catholic University of America entitled, “The Semantics of a Semitic Ventive in Cognitive Perspective: Akkadian Ventive Construals Based on Lexical Verb Types.”

Though this project focused primarily on Akkadian, Fix hopes that it will ultimately enhance our understanding and translation of all Semitic languages, particularly Biblical Hebrew.  He explains: “I believe anything that helps us read and understand God’s Word better can only serve to bless and edify the church of Christ. That is my ultimate hope and prayer for this dissertation.”  Indeed, this is one of many reasons why WSC remains committed to training “experts in the Bible” through our Masters-level degree programs.  Most importantly, the seminary rejoices with alumni like Fix who cling to confidence in and devotion to Christ, His Gospel, and His Church.

Fix serves as the Senior Pastor of Reformed Presbyterian Church of Bowie, and credits his time at WSC with laying a solid foundation for both his academic pursuits and his pastoral ministry.  Additionally, he chairs the Credentials Committee for his Presbytery in the PCA denomination and teaches as an adjunct faculty member at multiple Reformed seminaries across the United States.  These opportunities have often caused Fix to reflect on his WSC education with gratitude, leading him to believe that “there is nothing better any follower of Christ can do with their time and money in this life, than spend it on a WSC education…and I do not believe that is an overstatement.”

Please join us in congratulating Dr. Stephen Fix on his exciting accomplishment!