American Presbyterianism Archive

Histories and Fallacies: Carl Trueman

August 15, 2012

Office Hours talks with Carl Trueman about what history is, how it's done, how it shouldn't be done, observations about British Evangelicalism, and some concerns about American Reformed Christianity in the near future.


A New Old School

August 1, 2012

Office Hours talks with President W. Robert Godfrey and D. G. Hart about their new book, Westminster Seminary California: A New Old School.


A New Old School Lecture

May 17, 2012

A New Old School attempts to Place the witness of Westminster Seminary California in the context of American Christianity.


What America Owes Jesus as Lord

April 7, 2011

A theological map toward honoring the Lordship of Christ over our nation while avoiding transformational triumphalism.


Machen and the Gospel

January 15, 2011

What J. Gresham Machen contributed to our understanding of the Gospel is as relevant today as it was when he first penned it in his own day.


Preaching as a Means of Grace – Part 2

November 12, 2009

The American Presbyterian Gilbert Tennent following in the footsteps of the Reformers provides an example of Reformed preaching with his emphasis on orthodoxy, covenant, and the importance of the sacraments.


The Only Hope for America

April 23, 2008

The unlikely union of conservative southern Presbyterians and the evangelist Billy Graham.


At Work in the Fields of the Lord

October 1, 2003

An exploration of the message and methods of the great 18th-century revivalist George Whitefield.
