July 26, 2018
On this week's episode of Westminster Answers, Dr. Joshua Van Ee answers the question, “Why Study the Old Testament?”
March 20, 2017
Office Hours talks to Dr. J.V. Fesko about his new book, “Death in Adam, Life in Christ: The Doctrine of Imputation.”
January 8, 2016
Hebrews shows us that Psalm 102:25-27 reveals the eternal permanence of God's Son, our Savior, Jesus.
December 28, 2015
The Holy Spirit in the Pentateuch.
May 22, 2015
Dr. Johnson addresses the importance of understanding the Old Testament in order to see the big picture of God's redemptive work.
March 20, 2013
Peter's sermon on the day of pentecost finds its' source in scripture, its' center in Christ, and its' time in the present.
November 16, 2012
Israel's unique military history is summarized with the profound reality of the LORD going before them.
November 14, 2012
The prophet Jeremiah presents a vivid picture of God's covenant love that finds its' fulfillment in the cross of Christ.
October 26, 2012
A study of Exodus 25-37 through the lens of God's separation from us and his gracious connecting with us through the Tabernacle.
October 19, 2012
The Law provided Israel a stable way of knowing whether Yahweh was with them or not.
October 2, 2012
An explanation of the 10 Commandments in its context and in light of the person and work of Christ.
September 20, 2012
A study of Christ's inauguration of the new covenant and his role as mediator in light of the typology found in Exodus.
September 18, 2012
In Isaiah 55 the prophet Isaiah is prophesying and predicting the mission of the Christian church to the world.
September 11, 2012
Isaiah 54 speaks of a key transition in terms of God's dealings with his people resulting in their transformation.
May 5, 2011
An examination of the post-exilic restoration of the temple service, the office of high priest, and the vindication of sinners.
April 29, 2011
God answers Israel's question, “Where is the God of justice?”
April 14, 2011
The prophet Malachi addresses a distracted, impatient, and disappointed people who continue to wander away from the LORD and his promises.
April 8, 2011
Zechariah prophesies of a coming day when there will no longer be a distinction between the holy and the common.
March 31, 2011
God offers provision and protection for his people despite insurmountable odds.
March 25, 2011
The Israelites were disappointed with the rebuilidng of the temple in light of the Solomonic temple's former glory.