Pastoral Ministry Archive

Pastor as Shepherd

March 9, 2006

The duties of pastors are not limited to the Lord's Day, but include the day-to-day loving and caring for the souls of God's people.


Pastor as Theologian

March 8, 2006

An examination of the role of theology in the place and life of the pastor.


Commencement 2004

May 29, 2004

Central to the Apostle Paul's ministry is his laboring for the joy of other believers.


Reformed Ministry

April 30, 1993

An examination of the Reformed tradition's upholding of the general office of believer.


The Importance of Preaching

January 1, 1992

Too often we have trouble placing such a high evaluation on preaching because it does not seem to correspond to our experience.  Many Christians today believe that they came to faith through the witness of family or friends or through a small group Bible study.  They may have heard relatively poor preaching and find it hard to attribute such importance to preaching in general or in their own spiritual development.


The Peril of Pastors without the Biblical Languages

September 1, 1986

The abundance of English Bible translations makes knowledge of the original languages even more essential.
