Calvinism Archive

Calvin on Assurance

February 29, 2012

A study of John Calvin's doctrine of assurance and its frequent misrepresentation in subsequent Calvin historiography.


Was Calvin a Calvinist?

February 29, 2012

The identification of Calvinism with the unique theology of John Calvin is nothing short of a fallacy.


For Calvinism

October 5, 2011

Dr. Michael Horton talks about his latest book, For Calvinism.


Real Calvinism

July 27, 2010

It is essential to be concerned about both the head (sound doctrine) as well as the heart (the life of faith).


Why the Marks of the Church Need the Mission

January 19, 2009

You cannot have a theology that is completely determined by God’s sovereign grace and a practice that views salvation as a cooperative venture between God and human beings.


A Discussion of the Necessity of Reforming the Church by John Calvin

March 1, 1995

An examination of John Calvin's statement of the doctrines of and necessity for the Reformation.


Reformation: Boer vs. the Bible

May 4, 1980

The testimony of the history and theology of the church places a heavy burden of proof upon the Reformed thinker who opposes the Canons’ teaching on election and reprobation.


Reprobation – The Critics and the Canons

September 15, 1976

An investigation and response to the charges of critics of reprobation in the CRC in the 1970's.


Did the Canons Misfire: Five Points on Synod of Dort

June 1, 1976

The Canons of Dort, with their detailed and extensive exposition of several vital points of Reformed Christianity, have guided the church in its understanding of the sovereign grace of God.
