The Church Archive

The Church as Exiles

February 3, 2021

Our uncomfortable calling as exiles—to be neither isolated from nor absorbed into our environment—means following the footsteps of the Suffering Servant.

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Galatians 6:7-10

April 19, 2012

Paul exhorts the Galatians to walk by the Spirit and further explains what this will look like amidst the body of Christ.

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Psalm 36

February 10, 2012

The overarching need for the church, which animates Westminster Seminary California is the Word of God.

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Light Of The World

February 8, 2011

Jesus surprises and encourages his disciples with the proclamation that they and by extension we, are the light of the world.

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Machen, Christianity, and the Church

January 15, 2011

For J. Gresham Machen, the church is the central institution in the life of the believer.

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Disappointment and Failures in the Ministry

September 29, 2010

How to cope with the disappointments and failures in pastoral ministry in light of Acts 18.

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Women in the Church

July 27, 2010

Women hold the general office of believer and as such, they have certain rights and responsibilities for service in the church.

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The Christian Club

March 3, 2010

It is by having the word of Christ dwell in us richly that churches may escape being a mess and become the radiant body of Christ as God intended.

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Semper Reformada

October 1, 2009

When we invoke the whole phrase — “the church Reformed and always being reformed according to the Word of God” — we confess that we belong to the church and not simply to ourselves and that this church is always created and renewed by the Word of God rather than by the spirit of the age.

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The Church Good for the World

March 17, 2009

God has established the church to enhance the world.


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The Certainty of Death

August 1, 2006

Mrs. Hilda Ozinga, a widow, shares with W. Robert Godfrey about grieving from her own experience and others'.

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The Word Beyond the Sermon: Ministry of Witness

January 15, 2006

How God conveys his saving grace through the Gospel outside the church’s formal worship services.

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1 Thessalonians 2:7-12

September 23, 2005

The Apostle Paul uses three rich metaphors to describe his own ministry that provide for us models as we think of ministry in our own context.

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Christ at the Center of the Church

January 28, 2005

A defense of the centrality of the church in the Christian life.

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A Big Tent

October 7, 1996

Reformed churches must be big tents in the sense that they welcome all persons regardless of gender, race, ethnic background, or sinful beliefs or lifestyles that they want to put behind them. But Reformed churches, especially in their worship, must not seek to satisfy unconverted desires for entertainment and self-gratification. They must teach, worship and live according to the Word of God alone.

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A New Alliance

June 1, 1996

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals  is a strong beginning for a movement to call all evangelicals to self-examination and reflection, to repentance and renewal at the doctrinal center of our commitment to Christ. 

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The Offering

November 24, 1991

The offering clearly has a vital function in the financial life of the congregation, but how does it function spiritually in the worship of the church?

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Ancient Praise

March 16, 1991

The ancient worship of the church, which focused on the Psalms and sung without musical accompaniment, was simple, spiritual, and reverent.

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